Losing Focus…or The Doctor is Out…

Once bad puns sink their fangs, it’s hard to let them go. It’s hard to let go of bands too.


On that note, two Boston bands that I muchly enjoy are setting sail into the big bright suns of our tomorrows.  Namely Soft Focus (who played at the first bostonnova party) and the Doctor’s Fox, whom I wrote about last year in the Boston Phoenix.

These bands are pretty different, but are both special in their own ways.  Soft Focus will be playing their last Boston show this Thursday at the Elks Club in Cambridge (with Chandeliers and Strange Fuzz), before two-thirds of their corps head to Los Angeles to continue their quest to break into TV work.  At last word, the band still hopes to put out a couple of EPs, and who knows what else, with the first EP coming out pretty soon (although not in time for the show).  In the meantime, here are a couple of videos from Soft Focus’ set at the bostonnova launch party at Johnny D’s earlier this summer, shot by the great Chris Newell.

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